Waiting for death

Waiting for death
Waiting for a sleep that will never end
I see you,
lying on the ground.


Seeing you suffering.


No emotion.

Only seeing you breathing.



Waiting for death
Waiting for a sleep that will never end
I see you,
lying on the ground.

The name of a goddess

Absolute, pure, untouchable.

White and


La Blanca.

Given by a young girl,

by me.

Waiting for death.
Waiting for a sleep that will never end.
I see you,
lying on the ground.

You should´nt lie here,

you should swim straight.

I´m trying to help you.

Seeing you:

Showing no emotion.



Waiting for death.
Waiting for a sleep that will never end.
I see you,
lying on the ground.

I wrote this poem just for you.

Is it silly to write a poem for an animal?

You are „just“ a small fish.

Is it silly to write a poem for a fish?

But now,

I see you,


But proudly breathing.

Waiting for death.
Waiting for a sleep that will never end.
I see you,
lying on the ground.

I wish you would die.

Not because of hate, cruelty or rage.

I wish you would die.

Because I´ve seen the goddess in you.

In this little wonder of life.

I wish you would die.

Stopping to suffer.

But you are still breathing.

Stongly, Proudly, bravly.

You little power of life.

I wish you would die.

But you are breathing.




Izi - Jul 17, 19:52


Sounds a bit strange, doesn´t it?
A "little" girl, which is sad about the illness of a fish.

But it is difficult to describe this moment.

To see this little thing, suffering and dying, is sad.
But what should I do?

So I wrote this. Just for this little fish.
Which is fighting so strongly.

I sounds strange.

But I hope you can understand, what I want to say with this poem.


Izi - Jul 17, 20:28

Mein Englisch ist nicht wirklich gut, aber mir war einfach dannach in einer anderen Sprache zu schreiben.


...wohin führt sie dich?

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